Advanced Jet Training Course
The course is a five-week course that includes one-week ground school and four weeks of Operations Phase. Generally, the course comprises of 16 flights per student and the aim is to enhance the tactical awareness of the participants.
The course content is modular, balancing the need to address common subjects for candidates from different types and the availability of type-specific elements for flight exercises.
A common one-week ground school phase is conducted to review theoretical concepts, laying the groundwork for the practical flight exercises.
Sixteen (16) sorties per student are planned as part of the programme. ITTC instructors will be flying rear seat/ front seat for selected flight exercises. Close liaison among the different customer squadrons will be required during this latter phase to co-ordinate joint operations including dissimilar types. The weekly schedule allows for flexibility to permit thorough briefing and debriefing sessions and in the event of weather or aircraft availability problems.
The syllabus is based on earlier courses presented and envisages the availability of three fighter types (including two seaters), one turbo propeller/COIN type and an EW capable platform. However, the syllabus will be adjusted in consultation with each client to make use of the assets available.
The approach is to develop a training programme that is appropriate to the customer’s requirement. The exact contents will be agreed with the customer based on desired learning outcomes. The customer is strongly encouraged to consider its specific requirements and to discuss these with ITTC with a view to tailoring the content to the client requirements. Each phase of the training will adopt a building block process using an objective learning process.