Full House Lottery appreciates your support and wants to make it easier for you to get tickets!
What does it mean to have a Dream Lottery Membership….
Members are on-going purchasers of Full House Lottery, supporting University Hospital Foundation & Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation, who opt in to pre-register their ticket order preferences for all future licenced Full House lotteries and agree to have their Full House Lottery tickets issued automatically at the commencement of all future Full House Lotteries.
How do I become a Member?
Membership can be established when completing your order online or over the phone by calling 780-424-6161 or toll-free 1-800-441-0465
What are the benefits of Full House Lottery Membership?
- Sign-up is easy, convenient and your order can be cancelled or changed at any time
- Receive tickets early, at the commencement of all future Full House Lotteries
- Guaranteed tickets for future Full House Lotteries, provided your membership stays in good standing
- Never miss out on draws, as you will always receive your tickets before any draw deadlines have taken place
How do I become a Member?
Membership can be established when completing your order online or over the phone by calling 780-424-6161 or toll-free 1-800-441-0465
Is there a fee to become a Member?
No. There is no fee to become a member and there is no commitment. You can cancel your membership at any time.
How many Full House Lotteries are there?
Currently, Full House Lottery runs once per calendar year
Do I receive prior notice before my credit card is charge and tickets allocated to me?
Yes. All Members receive notice approximately 1-2 weeks before their credit card is charged, and tickets are allocated. Members can amend their ticket order, credit card and personal details during this time if required, as well as cancel their Membership order at any time
How do Members receive their tickets?
All Members with an eligible email address will receive their tickets electronically within 3-4 business days of their credit card being charged. For all Members without an email address, tickets will be sent within 2-3 weeks via Canada Post upon their credit card being charged.
Can I cancel my Membership?
Yes. Please call our customer service team at 780-424-6161 or toll-free at 1-800-441-0465 to cancel your membership options, or email inquiries@fullhouse.ca (Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.). NOTE: please do not include any credit card information in your correspondence
Can I get a refund for my Membership?
All requests for refunds will be honoured if the method of payment has been verified, and the corresponding ticket(s) have not already been included in any draws.
Can I update my Membership?
Yes. You can update your details at any time by calling our customer service team at 780-424-6161 or toll-free at 1-800-441-0465 to update your membership options, or email inquiries@fullhouse.ca (Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.). NOTE: please do not include any credit card information in your correspondence